Monday, December 18, 2006

The Wheel of Positive Living

Like a tree needs water, human being, in order to prosper, to live to the fullest and to keep the momentum of seeing everything positively in each day of our life, we need... MOTIVATION. It could come in various forms, love, friendship, money, just about anything be it a tangible thing or abstract. In fact, LIFE itself can also be a motivation.

One most important thing to keep ourselves motivated is to see things positively. Because once you did that, nothing will become impossible for you. BUT!! There are also negative things that can drive you, motivate you in a good way, if you know how to channel the negativity of it la...

As of now, my life has turned upside down and sideways in a lot of areas & I was honestly very depressed at one point, but somehow I pulled through and surfaced to a very highly concentrated oxygen (apa aku merepek daaaa..). The point is, you can change all your life problems into a very productive outcome once you just STOP thinking of the pink elephant and FOCUS more to how to remove the elephant out of your way. In short, stop crying start thinking positively! Start to think that YOU CAN PASS THIS LIFE HURDLE!

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