Saturday, December 23, 2006


Yay!! After the long wait (more than an hour after registering), I finally finished taking the KPP Computer Test and passed at 46/50. Got 4 questions wrong in the B section. Hehhe... So, tomorrow will be the starting of the real driving lessons! Fuuuhh... wish me luck!

Thank God today is pay day. I'm nearly out of $ (my worn out wallet had only RM 8.86 in it for about an hour). I usually kept extra RM10 hidden somewhere in there for emergencies but that emergency $ was also used (yeah, emergency la, no more money & still have to pay for taking the test maaa). So I've settled all the PTPTN, savings & extra $ for the driving lessons. Then the fund transfer for Ibu & Papa at home online. Unfortunately my printer's nozzles stuck, so I didn't get to print my receipt like usual. Even after cleaning it up with alcohol swabs (actually it was a facial toner hehehe) it is still not working (maybe I can cilok some methanol from the QC lab next Tuesday to REALLY clean it... hmmm). Or more money to change that as well... *sigh...*

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